The truth is always the same


Don’t put yourself in a box

You can do it all

You can make a life

Beyond your wildest dreams

You just have to stay


In this practice

And remember nothing in nature happens

On your time

But only in its time

Have patience

Have discipline

Have faith

That god not only has your back

But she is rooting for you.

Because she IS you.

We hold all the keys and all the codes

To unlock

This truth

Its just the fog

and trance

Of unworthiness

That settles over our minds and hearts

And makes us


That we are divine

The truth can never be changed

Because the truth is the truth

The truth is always the same

By simply changing your mind - you can change everything.

So go do it.

Teach people to breathe and dance and hold their own light in their hands

Feed people kind words and nourishing food

Plan gatherings of like minded tribes to share the light

Support people through hard times and recovery

Take care - of your human and animal family

Don’t allow fear to whisk you off course

Or put you back in a box

You’ve taken it on

You know the truth

Now you can fly.

photo features @leahh_armstrong



this thing.


In the Pause