


keeping me


of magic

another way of being

a way home


but this brilliance

these exquisite colors/shapes/moments

need just the right light

at the right time

to shine


can we wait peacefully for the splendor?

can we trust the clouds will part?

can we have patience that the light will return and shower us with wonder once again?


if you’ve been wringing your hands

clenching and grasping and holding on for dear life for the colors and the sunshine of your memories,

please remember dear one that

the earth keeps spinning for you

time keeps passing and the light

is already on its way back to you


this may come in ways you weren’t expecting

and keep changing shapes and colors and elements

catching you off guard

taking your breath away

stopping you in your tracks


wow, it’s here.

the next mystery, the next quest, the next level.

shimmering in front of me

mirage and reality



breathless and hopeful

ready to try and fail again

ready to break and rebuild again

ready to fall and rise again.



shaking in my bed

tears on my face

hands in fists

I breathe in and





hold hold hold trust hold surrender hold hold patience hold hold hold and then I…






I am ready now.


Jakee Zaccor