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The Yellow Butterflies

“It was then that she realized that the yellow butterflies preceded the appearances of Mauricio Babilonia.” 
― Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez



“It was then that she realized that the yellow butterflies preceded the appearances of Mauricio Babilonia.” 
― Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez

I met up with him by the carousel in Bryant Park. It was 80 degrees and the lawn was packed. Some Bank of America promotion was there and gave me free popcorn. He looked so cute walking up with his scruffy face and his grad student backpack.

We kissed. Then we sat and talked and kissed and played mancala at the free games tables. 

Magical Summer. Then we made plans for our next date on Wednesday and he mentioned how he has so little money right now, that he's cut out coffee. I offer to get him one for free at my job and he totally accepted... but first we had to go get a book at the library.

We went in to the NYPL on 5th and 40th and headed up to the foreign language section and he says we are looking for the M's in the Spanish section. It was actually under G. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. He was looking for 100 years of solitude. Cien anos de solidad. Smitten. 

We kissed in the elevator for a floor and then we we're basically stopped and frisked by the Hispanic librarian guard at the exit. She wished him luck on reading the book en español with a wink.

We walked down fifth avenue and then rode the elevator up in the empire state building - kissing for 26 floors. I could have sworn i saw yellow butterflies outside the window.  


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